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24 thoughts on “

  1. What would REALLY be helpful is knowing that this dress isn’t in MOST women’s budgets…is finding this dress or one similar with a budget in mind. I don’t know of ANYONE in my circle of friends (and I have quite the circle) who would spend over $350 on a dress or close to $300 on shoes! Seriously?!

  2. I too agree with the budget thing, but it’s not the person’s job posting this to “post things within the average budget” it’s our job to be bargain hunters and find things similar :o)

    • I think what you have done with this blog is outstanding. I am so happy for you that you have stetrad this life journey and you are doing a wonderful job continuing with it. I can’t wait to continue to watch your progress. I think that you are brave for starting this blog and for now putting it on facebook. I know what your concerns were but now that you have opened yourself up to everyone it will only help you stay motivated, focused and continue to be successful. If for some reason you do get haters just think about how unhappy they must be with their own lives that they have to beat up the positive things of someone elses life just to make themselves feel better. Don’t let any negatives get to you because you are stronger than that. I’ll be keeping tabs on your journey. Love Ya Lots!!!!Jenn

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